Regjistrimi në këtë sit ju lejon ju të hyni dhe të merrni informacion mbi llogarinë tuaj dhe historinë e porosive tuaja. Thjesht plotësoni fushat më poshtë, dhe ju do të keni në moment një llogari të re. Ne do t'ju kërkojmë vetëm informacione të nevojshme për ta bërë më të shpejtë dhe më të lehtë procesin e blerjes.
Krijo një llogariTerms of Use
User Agreement
In this document, "company" or "We" refers to Electronic Line, and "customer" or "You" refers to any individual, company, entity, or organization that places an order with the Company.
"Agreement reached" – By submitting an order through the electronic form, you are making a purchase offer, which, if accepted by us, will result in a contract.
This Agreement is governed by the terms below. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using this site. By using this site or any part of it, you agree to have read the Agreement and to be governed by these rules.
The Company takes necessary steps to update information regarding product variations and their prices. Prices are subject to change without prior notice, and all orders may be conditional on the company's stock status or discretion.
The Company takes all necessary steps to ensure that all products advertised on this site are available. If occasionally a product is out of stock, the Company reserves the right to offer the Customer an alternative product of similar value or style.
Prices listed on this online site may differ from those applied in our physical stores.
Online sale prices are those applied on the day the order is placed.
All orders are subject to final confirmation regarding availability, and Electronic Line reserves the right to withdraw/cancel the order if any of the products or services are unavailable. If the Company is unable to fulfill any of the Customer's orders, it will notify the customer by phone or email beforehand.
The sale of hoverboard items to individuals under 18 is prohibited. By placing such an order, the Customer confirms that they are 18 or older and assumes full responsibility for the product purchase, postal collection, and usage of this device.
Customers are encouraged to register before placing any orders through this site. During registration:
Order Exchange Policies:
It is the Customer's responsibility to check the product's condition immediately upon our delivery.
An exchange is possible only when payment has been made.
An exchange is possible if the product is defective or damaged. Such claims (if any) must be reported to the email address within 24 hours of product delivery; otherwise, we reserve the right to reject your request.
The exchange will be made within 7 (seven) days after our confirmation.
An exchange is also possible when requesting a replacement with another item. In this case, the monetary value of the new order must be equal to (or greater than) the value of the initial order. For exchanges due to preference, proceed as above – submitting the request to the email address within 24 hours of product delivery. In this case, postal service charges are borne by you.
In all cases of exchanges, the product to be returned must be in the box, and the packaging must be undamaged.
Payment and Product Delivery:
Payment is made in CASH upon delivery.
Product delivery occurs once the order is confirmed by the Company according to the following timeframes: (i) 5-24 hours within the city of Tirana from Monday to Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., (ii) up to 2-3 business days in any other part of Albania. Official holidays are not considered in the delivery timeframe calculation.
Delivery will be made to the address provided by you.
If product delivery is delayed, postponed, or canceled due to traffic, weather, or other factors, the Company will not be responsible for any losses caused by these delays.
We reserve the right to charge an additional fee if the recipient is unavailable to receive delivery at the designated time. This additional fee will cover extra postal service costs.
It is the Customer's responsibility to immediately notify Electronic Line of any address or delivery time changes.
By signing this form, the Customer confirms that they have read and accept the terms of this Agreement and warranty terms. The Customer also willingly consents to the collection and processing of personal data provided during registration in accordance with applicable legal provisions.
This Agreement is governed by the laws of the Republic of Albania, and in case of any potential dispute, you agree to address the Judicial District Court of Tirana.
Electronic Line reserves the right to change these terms without prior notice.
Marrëveshja e Përdoruesit
Në këtë dokument, me “kompani” apo “Ne” do të nënkuptohet Electronic Line dhe “konsumator” apo “Ju” do të nënkuptohet cdo person, kompani, etnitet apo cdo organizëm i cili bën një porosi tek Kompania.
“Marrëveshja e arritur" – duke depozituar një porosi nga formulari elektronik, ju jeni duke bërë një ofertë për blerje produkti, e cila nëse pranohet nga ne, do të rezultojë në një kontratë.
Kjo Marrëveshje rregullohet nga kushtet si më poshtë. Jeni të lutur të lexoni me kujdes termat dhe kushtet e kësaj Marrëveshje përpara se të përdorni këtë faqe. Duke përdorur këtë faqe, apo ndonjë pjesë të saj, ju bini dakort se keni lexuar Marrëveshjen dhe ju pranon të udhëhiqeni nga këto rregulla.
Të Përgjithshme:
Politikat e Këmbimit të Porosive:
Pagesa dhe Shpërndarja e produktit
afateve të mëposhtme: (i) 5-24 (pesë -njëzet e katër) orë brenda qytetit të Tiranës nga e Hëna në të Shtunë ora 09:00 deri më 17:00, (ii) deri në 2-3 (dy-tre) ditë pune në cdo vend tjetër të Shqipërisë. Në llogaritjen e afatit të dorëzimit nuk mbahen parasysh festat zyrtare.
Me nënshkrimin e këtij formulari, Konsumatori konfirmon se ka lexuar dhe pranon kushtet e kësaj Marrëveshjes si dhe ato të garancisë. Konsumatori, gjithashtu, me vullnetin e tij të plotë jep pëlqimin e tij për mbledhjen dhe përpunimin e të dhënave personale të siguruara në procesin e regjistrimit, sipas dispozitave ligjore në fuqi.
Kjo Marrëveshje rregullohet nga ligjet e Republikës së Shqipërisë, dhe në rast të ndonjë konflikti të mundshëm ju bini dakort ti drejtoheni Gjykatës të Rrethit Gjyqësor Tiranë.
Electronic Line rezervon të drejtën të ndryshojë këto kushte pa një njoftim paraprak.